Nerdy With Children

Nerdy With Children features Bitblox

Geek-parent site, Nerdy With Children has featured our pixel-art inspired Bitblox on their blog!

They write:

“As long as you’re teaching your kids the alphabet properly, it should be fine if we add in a little bit of picture association and some fun, no? … Your kids will liken hearts to love and understanding, while we’ll associate it with having to collect more to survive. Your kids will learn about a power button, while we push the block down, hoping for a hard reset. See, learning can be fun.”

Glyfyx Bitblox Heart Robots - 960x636

We love how they accompany their Bitblox post with some 8-bit appropriate glitch-version of “Master of Puppets” by Metallica.

Check out other smart & fun things they have featured on their site, especially selected for all nerdy artists, gamers, techies and geeks.

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